The Giant Mechanical Man (2012)

Sep 15, 2014 by Mr. Nau Janice, a temp worker with an annoyingly meddling sister, meets a quiet street performer in this charming independent romantic comedy starring Jenna Fischer, Chris Messina, and Topher Grace. With a nicely-written script and great chemistry between the lead actors, this low-budget charmer is a good rental for snuggling. Grade: […]

I Am Not a Hipster (2012)

Sep 11, 2014 by Mr. Nau After a devastating family tragedy, Brooke takes his songwriting career to San Diego, where he writes songs that attract the admiration of the local indie music scene. When his three bubbly sisters arrive to visit, he’s forced to confront his devastation and how his resulting behavior affects everyone around […]

Your Sister’s Sister (2011)

Sep 11, 2014 by Mr. Nau Jack is sent by his best friend, Iris, to stay at her cabin in the San Juan Islands to get some space after his brother’s death. He meets her sister, Hannah, who’s recovering from a relationship’s end. This entertaining romantic comedy features a believable love triangle and a sweet […]

Goodbye World (2013)

Aug 07, 2014 by Mr. Nau A group of college friends get together on a self-sufficient farm in Northern California in the wake of a large-scale terrorist attack that throws America into collapse. This character study with solid acting performances highlights the arguments, controversies, jealousies, and dangers possible after the end of the world. Grade: […]

Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)

Jul 08, 2014 by Mr. Nau This prequel of the 2001 reboot of the science fiction franchise brings us into the development of a drug that allows the brain to repair itself and causes the test chimpanzee to leapfrog human intelligence with devastating consequences. Fun action sequences and an interesting plot make this adventure a […]

Tiny: A Story About Living Small (2013)

Jun 27, 2014 by Mr. Nau This low-budget independent documentary tells the story of a guy who joins a minimalist living movement by spending a year building a 100 square foot house on a trailer frame without any previous construction experience. His story comes with a look at other people who live the same way. […]

How I Live Now (2013)

Jun 09, 2014 by Mr. Nau Daisy, a rebellious American teenager, is sent by her rich father to spend the summer with her cousins in England. She falls inappropriately in love with her eldest cousin and endures a long march back to their farm after she’s taken to a work camp as World War III […]

Maker (2014)

May 17, 2014 by Mr. Nau This short Kickstarter-funded documentary examines the origins of the maker movement, where it’s going, and the kinds of tools and techniques that people can use to hack, tweak, and fashion new products, both from old products and raw materials. This is a very interesting look at this fun community. […]

Inglourious Basterds (2009)

Apr 30, 2014 by Mr. Nau Brad Pitt leads a star-studded cast as Lieutenant Aldo Raine, an American Army officer who commands a special team of Nazi hunters in occupied France during World War II. With Quentin Tarantino directing, this hilarious war picture is full of violent action scenes, irreverent humor, and menacing bad guys. […]

The Dish & the Spoon (2011)

Mar 07, 2014 by Mr. Nau This character drama features a broken woman, chasing her husband’s mistress (and her best friend), and a young British man, stranded when his long distance girlfriend left him for someone else. Her eclipsing anger fuels her frequently irrational actions, while she drags him along for the ride and his […]

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